Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The second early potatoes haven't produced much this year, rather disappointingly, but once the rest of them have been dug I can get the leeks in.

Haven't been able to get to the plot today, but took the chilli plant over to grow in Dad's porch. Also took a couple of tomato plants to grow there, in case we have a repeat of last year's blight.

Decided not to cook anything with the courgettes tonight in view of the hot weather. They'll keep until tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This morning's harvest: radishes, spring onions, lettuce, courgettes, french beans, a few peas and the first of the runner beans. And some sprigs of mint for the new potatoes, plus a lovely bunch of sweet peas for the vase.
It was lovely and peaceful at the allotment this morning, but rather hot so I was working rather s-l-o-w-l-y. Planted several pots with herbs and flowers, plus some patio tomatoes (that I got for 99p each) to take off site, in case of a repeat of last year's tomato blight. All the seeds I sowed last week are showing through, so should be eating the thinnings next week :)
Now, what dinner to make from the courgettes this time ....